Institute of Plant Genetics Research Sections Plant Proteomics
Publications at the Plant Proteomics Department

Publications of the Plant Proteomics Department

Showing results 141 - 160 out of 255


Rangel, A. F., Rao, I. M., Braun, H. P., & Horst, W. J. (2010). Aluminum resistance in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) involves induction and maintenance of citrate exudation from root apices. Physiologia plantarum, 138(2), 176-190.
Rode, C., Braun, H. P., Gallien, S., Heintz, D., Van Dorsselaer, A., & Winkelmann, T. (2010). Establishment of Proteome Reference Maps for Somatic and Zygotic Embryos of Cyclamen persicum Mill. In Acta Horticulturae (pp. 239-242). (Acta Horticulturae; Vol. 855). International Society for Horticultural Science.,
Sunderhaus, S., Klodmann, J., Lenz, C., & Braun, H. P. (2010). Supramolecular structure of the OXPHOS system in highly thermogenic tissue of Arum maculatum. Plant physiology and biochemistry, 48(4), 265-272.,
Tarantino, D., Santo, N., Morandini, P., Casagrande, F., Braun, H. P., Heinemeyer, J., Vigani, G., Soave, C., & Murgia, I. (2010). AtFer4 ferritin is a determinant of iron homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana heterotrophic cells. Journal of plant physiology, 167(18), 1598-1605.
Viscomi, C., Burlina, A. B., Dweikat, I., Savoiardo, M., Lamperti, C., Hildebrandt, T., Tiranti, V., & Zeviani, M. (2010). Combined treatment with oral metronidazole and N-acetylcysteine is effective in ethylmalonic encephalopathy. Nature medicine, 16(8), 869-871.


Baer, B., Eubel, H., Taylor, N. L., O'Toole, N., & Millar, A. H. (2009). Insights into female sperm storage from the spermathecal fluid proteome of the honeybee Apis mellifera. Genome biology, 10(6), Article R67.
Baer, B., Heazlewood, J. L., Taylor, N. L., Eubel, H., & Millar, A. H. (2009). The seminal fluid proteome of the honeybee Apis mellifera. PROTEOMICS, 9(8), 2085-2097.
Braun, H. P. (2009). Mitochondriale Funktionen in Pflanzen. BioSpektrum, 15(2), 143-146.
Braun, H. P., Sunderhaus, S., Boekema, E. J., & Kouřil, R. (2009). Purification of the Cytochrome c Reductase/Cytochrome c Oxidase Super Complex of Yeast Mitochondria. In W. Allison, & I. Scheffler (Eds.), Mitochondrial Function, Part A: Mitochondrial Electron Transport Complexes and Reactive Oxygen Species (A ed., pp. 183-190). (Methods in Enzymology; Vol. 456, No. A).
Dahal, D., Heintz, D., Van Dorsselaer, A., Braun, H. P., & Wydra, K. (2009). Pathogenesis and stress related, as well as metabolic proteins are regulated in tomato stems infected with Ralstonia solanacearum. Plant physiology and biochemistry, 47(9), 838-846.
Dudkina, N. V., Oostergetel, G. T., Lewejohann, D., Braun, H. P., & Boekema, E. J. (2009). Row-like organization of ATP synthase in intact mitochondria determined by cryo-electron tomography. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics, 1797(2), 272-277.
Eubel, H., & Millar, A. H. (2009). Systematic monitoring of protein complex composition and abundance by blue-native PAGE. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols, 4(5).
Führs, H., Götze, S., Specht, A., Erban, A., Gallien, S., Heintz, D., Van Dorsselaer, A., Kopka, J., Braun, H. P., & Horst, W. J. (2009). Characterization of leaf apoplastic peroxidases and metabolites in Vigna unguiculata in response to toxic manganese supply and silicon. Journal of experimental botany, 60(6), 1663-1678.
Heinemeyer, J., Scheibe, B., Schmitz, U., & Braun, H. P. (2009). Blue native DIGE as a tool for comparative analyses of protein complexes. Journal of Proteomics, 72(3), 539-544.,
Hildebrandt, T., & Grieshaber, M. K. (2009). Die vielen seiten des sulfids. Tödlich und doch lebensnotwendig. Biologie in Unserer Zeit, 39(5), 328-334.
Huang, S., Taylor, N. L., Narsai, R., Eubel, H., Whelan, J., & Millar, A. H. (2009). Experimental analysis of the rice mitochondrial proteome, its biogenesis, and heterogeneity. Plant physiology, 149(2), 719-734.
Krueger, S., Niehl, A., Lopez Martin, M. C., Steinhauser, D., Donath, A., Hildebrandt, T., Romero, L. C., Hoefgen, R., Gotor, C., & Hesse, H. (2009). Analysis of cytosolic and plastidic serine acetyltransferase mutants and subcellular metabolite distributions suggests interplay of the cellular compartments for cysteine biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. Plant, Cell and Environment, 32(4), 349-367.
Tiranti, V., Viscomi, C., Hildebrandt, T., Di Meo, I., Mineri, R., Tiveron, C., D Levitt, M., Prelle, A., Fagiolari, G., Rimoldi, M., & Zeviani, M. (2009). Loss of ETHE1, a mitochondrial dioxygenase, causes fatal sulfide toxicity in ethylmalonic encephalopathy. Nature medicine, 15(2), 200-205.
Tiranti, V., Viscomi, C., Hildebrandt, T., Di Meo, I., Mineri, R., Tiveron, C., Levitt, M. D., Prelle, A., Fagiolari, G., Rimoldi, M., & Zeviani, M. (2009). Loss of ETHE1, a mitochondrial dioxygenase, causes fatal sulfide toxicity in ethylmalonic encephalopathy (Nature Medicine DOI: 10.1038/nm.1907). Nature medicine, 15(2), 220.
Villarreal, F., Martín, V., Colaneri, A., González-Schain, N., Perales, M., Martín, M., Lombardo, C., Braun, H. P., Bartoli, C., & Zabaleta, E. (2009). Ectopic expression of mitochondrial gamma carbonic anhydrase 2 causes male sterility by anther indehiscence. Plant molecular biology, 70(4), 471-485.