
Molecular Plant Breeding Section

Showing results 61 - 80 out of 135


Terefe-Ayana, D., Kaufmann, H., Linde, M., & Debener, T. (2012). Evolution of the Rdr1 TNL-cluster in roses and other Rosaceous species. BMC GENOMICS, 13(1), Article 409.
Yasmin, A., Jalbani, A. A., & Debener, T. (2012). Comparative sequence analysis of some Rdrl resistance genes from Rosa multiflora. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, 49(4), 259-267.
Zvi, M. M. B., Shklarman, E., Masci, T., Kalev, H., Debener, T., Shafir, S., Ovadis, M., & Vainstein, A. (2012). PAP1 transcription factor enhances production of phenylpropanoid and terpenoid scent compounds in rose flowers. New Phytologist, 195(2), 335-345.


Klie, M., & Debener, T. (2011). Identification of superior reference genes for data normalisation of expression studies via quantitative PCR in hybrid roses (Rosa hybrida). BMC Research Notes, 4, Article 518.
Meiners, J., Debener, T., Schweizer, G., & Winkelmann, T. (2011). Analysis of the taxonomic subdivision within the genus Helleborus by nuclear DNA content and genome-wide DNA markers. Scientia horticulturae, 128(1), 38-47.
Spiller, M., Linde, M., Hibrand-Saint Oyant, L., Tsai, C. J., Byrne, D. H., Smulders, M. J. M., Foucher, F., & Debener, T. (2011). Towards a unified genetic map for diploid roses. Theoretical and applied genetics, 122(3), 489-500.
Terefe, D., & Debener, T. (2011). An SSR from the leucine-rich repeat region of the rose Rdr1 gene family is a useful resistance gene analogue marker for roses and other Rosaceae. PLANT BREEDING, 130(2), 291-293.
Terefe-Ayana, D., Yasmin, A., Le, T. L., Kaufmann, H., Biber, A., Kühr, A., Linde, M., & Debener, T. (2011). Mining disease-resistance genes in roses: Functional and molecular characterization of the rdr1 locus. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2(AUG), Article 35.


Amien, S., Kliwer, I., Márton, M. L., Debener, T., Geiger, D., Becker, D., & Dresselhaus, T. (2010). Defensin-like ZmES4 mediates pollen tube burst in maize via opening of the potassium channel KZM1. PLoS biology, 8(6).
Biber, A., Kaufmann, H., Linde, M., Spiller, M., Terefe, D., & Debener, T. (2010). Molecular markers from a BAC contig spanning the Rdr1 locus: A tool for marker-assisted selection in roses. Theoretical and applied genetics, 120(4), 765-773.
Debener, T., & Winkelmann, T. (2010). Ornamentals. In Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry (pp. 369-391). (Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry; Vol. 64). Springer International Publishing AG.
De Riek, J., & Debener, T. (2010). Present use of molecular markers In ornamental breeding. In Acta Horticulturae (pp. 77-84). (Acta Horticulturae; Vol. 855). International Society for Horticultural Science.
Kaufmann, H., Terefe, D., Yasmin, A., Biber, A., Kuehr, A., & Debener, T. (2010). Cloning and analysis of Rdr1, a black spot resistance gene from roses. In Acta Horticulturae (pp. 191-196). (Acta Horticulturae; Vol. 870). International Society for Horticultural Science.
Lühmann, A. K., Linde, M., & Debener, T. (2010). Genetic diversity of Diplocarpon rosae: Implications on practical breeding. In Acta Horticulturae (pp. 157-162). (Acta Horticulturae; Vol. 870). International Society for Horticultural Science.
Rode, C., Winkelmann, T., Meyer, L., & Debener, T. (2010). The ethylene 2 receptor gene as a robust molecular marker for intergeneric somatic hybrids between Petunia and Calibrachoa. PLANT BREEDING, 129(4), 448-453.
Schulz, D. F., & Debener, T. (2010). Downy mildew in roses: Strategies for control. In Acta Horticulturae (pp. 163-170). (Acta Horticulturae; Vol. 870). International Society for Horticultural Science.
Spiller, M., Berger, R. G., & Debener, T. (2010). Genetic dissection of scent metabolic profiles in diploid rose populations. Theoretical and applied genetics, 120(7), 1461-1471.
Terefe, D., Biber, A., Yasmin, A., Kaufmann, H., & Debener, T. (2010). Comparative genomic analysis of sequences around the Rdr1 locus in resistant and susceptible rose genotypes. In Acta Horticulturae (pp. 197-204). (Acta Horticulturae; Vol. 870). International Society for Horticultural Science.
Vergne, P., Maene, M., Gabant, G., Chauvet, A., Debener, T., & Bendahmane, M. (2010). Somatic embryogenesis and transformation of the diploid Rosa chinensis cv Old Blush. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 100(1), 73-81.
Whitaker, V. M., Debener, T., Roberts, A. V., & Hokanson, S. C. (2010). A standard set of host differentials and unified nomenclature for an international collection of Diplocarpon rosae races. Plant pathology, 59(4), 745-752.