List of Publications Dr. Holger Eubel

Showing results 41 - 60 out of 61


Eubel, H., & Millar, A. H. (2009). Systematic monitoring of protein complex composition and abundance by blue-native PAGE. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols, 4(5).
Huang, S., Taylor, N. L., Narsai, R., Eubel, H., Whelan, J., & Millar, A. H. (2009). Experimental analysis of the rice mitochondrial proteome, its biogenesis, and heterogeneity. Plant physiology, 149(2), 719-734.


Carrie, C., Murcha, M. W., Kuehn, K., Duncan, O., Barthet, M., Smith, P. M., Eubel, H., Meyer, E., Day, D. A., Millar, A. H., & Whelan, J. (2008). Type II NAD(P)H dehydrogenases are targeted to mitochondria and chloroplasts or peroxisomes in Arabidopsis thaliana. FEBS letters, 582(20), 3073-3079.
Eubel, H., & Millar, A. H. (2008). Blue-Native Page in Studying Protein Complexes. In Plant Proteomics: Technologies, Strategies, and Applications (pp. 557-569). John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
Eubel, H., Meyer, E. H., Taylor, N. L., Bussell, J. D., O'Toole, N., Heazlewood, J. L., Castleden, I., Small, I. D., Smith, S. M., & Millar, A. H. (2008). Novel proteins, putative membrane transporters, and an integrated metabolic network are revealed by quantitative proteomic analysis of arabidopsis cell culture peroxisomes. Plant physiology, 148(4), 1809-1829.
Lee, C. P., Eubel, H., O'Toole, N., & Millar, A. H. (2008). Heterogeneity of the mitochondrial proteome for photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic Arabidopsis metabolism. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 7(7), 1297-1316.


Eubel, H., Lee, C. P., Kuo, J., Meyer, E. H., Taylor, N. L., & Millar, A. H. (2007). Free-flow electrophoresis for purification of plant mitochondria by surface charge. Plant Journal, 52(3), 583-594.
Eubel, H., Heazlewood, J. L., & Millar, A. H. (2007). Isolation and subfractionation of plant mitochondria for proteomic analysis. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 355, 49-62.
Sunderhaus, S., Eubel, H., & Braun, H. P. (2007). Two-dimensional blue native/blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for the characterization of mitochondrial protein complexes and supercomplexes. In Mitochondria: Practical Protocols (pp. 315-324). (Methods in Molecular Biology; Vol. 372).,


Pesaresi, P., Masiero, S., Eubel, H., Braun, H. P., Bhushan, S., Glaser, E., Salamini, F., & Leister, D. (2006). Nuclear Photosynthetic Gene Expression Is Synergistically Modulated by Rates of Protein Synthesis in Chloroplasts and Mitochondria. PLANT CELL, 18(4), 970-991.


Dudkina, N. V., Eubel, H., Keegstra, W., Boekema, E. J., & Braun, H. P. (2005). Structure of a mitochondrial supercomplex formed by respiratory-chain complexes I and III. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102(9), 3225-3229.
Eubel, H., Braun, H. P., & Millar, A. H. (2005). Blue-native PAGE in plants: A tool in analysis of protein-protein interactions. PLANT METHODS, 1(11), Article 11.
Perales, M., Eubel, H., Heinemeyer, J., Colaneri, A., Zabaleta, E., & Braun, H. P. (2005). Disruption of a Nuclear Gene Encoding a Mitochondrial Gamma Carbonic Anhydrase Reduces Complex I and Supercomplex I+III2 Levels and Alters Mitochondrial Physiology in Arabidopsis. Journal of molecular biology, 350(2), 263-277.


Colditz, F., Nyamsuren, O., Niehaus, K., Eubel, H., Braun, H. P., & Krajinski, F. (2004). Proteomic approach: Identification of Medicago truncatula proteins induced in roots after infection with the pathogenic oomycete Aphanomyces euteiches. Plant molecular biology, 55(1), 109-120.
Eubel, H., Heinemeyer, J., & Braun, H. P. (2004). Identification and Characterization of Respirasomes in Potato Mitochondria. Plant physiology, 134(4), 1450-1459.
Eubel, H., Heinemeyer, J., Sunderhaus, S., & Braun, H. P. (2004). Respiratory chain supercomplexes in plant mitochondria. Plant physiology and biochemistry, 42(12), 937-942.
Heinemeyer, J., Eubel, H., Wehmhöner, D., Jänsch, L., & Braun, H. P. (2004). Proteomic approach to characterize the supramolecular organization of photosystems in higher plants. PHYTOCHEMISTRY, 65(12), 1683-1692.
Millar, A. H., Eubel, H., Jänsch, L., Kruft, V., Heazlewood, J. L., & Braun, H. P. (2004). Mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase and succinate dehydrogenase complexes contain plant specific subunits. Plant molecular biology, 56(1), 77-90.


Babiychuk, E., Müller, F., Eubel, H., Braun, H. P., Frentzen, M., & Kushnir, S. (2003). Arabidopsis phosphatidylglycerophosphate synthase 1 is essential for chloroplast differentiation, but is dispensable for mitochondrial function. Plant Journal, 33(5), 899-909.
Eubel, H., Jänsch, L., & Braun, H. P. (2003). New Insights into the Respiratory Chain of Plant Mitochondria. Supercomplexes and a Unique Composition of Complex II. Plant physiology, 133(1), 274-286.