Publikationsliste Prof. Dr. Thomas Debener

Zeige Ergebnisse 121 - 140 von 154


Baydar, N. G., Baydar, H., & Debener, T. (2004). Analysis of genetic relationships among Rosa damascena plants grown in Turkey by using AFLP and microsatellite markers. Journal of biotechnology.
Behr, H., & Debener, T. (2004). Novel breeding strategies for ornamental dahlias I: Analysis of the Dahlia variabilis breeding system with molecular markers. European Journal of Horticultural Science.
Debener, T., Linde, M., Dohm, A., & Kaufmann, H. (2004). The utilisation of molecular tools for rose breeding and genetics.
Hattendorf, A., Linde, M., Mattiesch, L., Debener, T., & Kaufmann, H. (2004). Genetic analysis of rose resistance genes and their localisation in the rose genome. In XXI International Eucarpia Symposium on Classical versus Molecular Breeding ofrnamentals - Part II (S. 123-130). (Acta Horticulturae; Band 651). International Society for Horticultural Science.
Linde, M., Mattiesch, L., & Debener, T. (2004). Rpp1, a dominant gene providing race-specific resistance to rose powdery mildew (Podosphaera pannosa): Molecular mapping, SCAR development and confirmation of disease resistance data. Theoretical and applied genetics.


Debener, T., Malek, B. V., Schreiber, M., & Drewes-Alvarez, R. (2003). Marker Assisted Background Selection for the Introgression of Black Spot Resistance into Cultivated Roses. European Journal of Horticultural Science.
Debener, T., Dohm, A., & Mattiesch, L. (2003). Use of diploid self incompatible rose genotypes as a tool for gene flow analyses in roses. PLANT BREEDING.
Kaufmann, H., Mattiesch, L., Lörz, H., & Debener, T. (2003). Construction of a BAC library of Rosa rugosa Thunb. and assembly of a contig spanning Rdr1, a gene that confers resistance to blackspot. Molecular genetics and genomics.
Linde, M., & Debener, T. (2003). Isolation and identification of eight races of powdery mildew of roses (Podosphaera pannosa) (Wallr.: Fr.) de Bary and the genetic analysis of the resistance gene Rpp1. Theoretical and applied genetics.


Dohm, A., Ludwig, C., Schilling, D., & Debener, T. (2002). Transformation of roses with genes for antifungal proteins to reduce their susceptibility to fungal diseases.


Debener, T., Mattiesch, L., & Vosman, B. (2001). A molecular marker map for roses. In III International Symposium on Rose Research and Cultivation (S. 283-287). (Acta Horticulturae; Band 547). International Society for Horticultural Science.
Debener, T., Von Malek, B., Mattiesch, L., & Kaufmann, H. (2001). Genetic and molecular analysis of important characters in roses. In III International Symposium on Rose Research and Cultivation (S. 45-49). (Acta Horticulturae; Band 547). International Society for Horticultural Science.
Debener, T., Von Malek, B., Mattiesch, L., & Kaufmann, H. (2001). Marker assisted selection for blackspot resistance in roses. In III International Symposium on Rose Research and Cultivation (S. 349-352). (Acta Horticulturae; Band 547). International Society for Horticultural Science.
Debener, T. (2001). Molecular tools for modern ornamental plant breeding and selection. In XX International Eucarpia Symposium, Section Ornamentals, Strategies for New rnamentals - Part I (S. 121-127). (Acta Horticulturae; Band 552). International Society for Horticultural Science.
Dohm, A., Ludwig, C., Nehring, K., & Debener, T. (2001). Somatic embryogenesis in roses. In III International Symposium on Rose Research and Cultivation (S. 341-347). (Acta Horticulturae; Band 547). International Society for Horticultural Science.


Debener, T., Janakiram, T., & Mattiesch, L. (2000). Sports and seedlings of rose varieties analysed with molecular markers. PLANT BREEDING.
Gandelin, M. H., Reynders-Aloisi, S., Mando, B., Debener, T., Drewes-Alvarez, R., Spellerberg, B., Cubero, J., & Roberts, A. (2000). European network for characterisation and evaluation of the genus rosa germplasm (in French). In XIX International Symposium on Improvement of Ornamental Plants (S. 341-344). (Acta Horticulturae; Band 508). International Society for Horticultural Science.
Von Malek, B., Weber, W. E., & Debener, T. (2000). Identification of molecular markers linked to Rdr1, a gene conferring resistance to blackspot in roses. Theoretical and applied genetics.


Debener, T., & Mattiesch, L. (1999). Construction of a genetic linkage map for roses using RAPD and AFLP markers. Theoretical and applied genetics.
Debener, T. (1999). Genetic analysis of horticulturally important morphological and physiological characters in diploid roses. Gartenbauwissenschaft.